How Would a Month of Encouragement Affect You? Introducing "Send Me"
A Simple Act of Kindness
What could a day of kindness or generosity do? You know those days when nothing is going right and how a simple act of kindness can change the whole day?
Well... how would a month of kindness affect someone?
A few years ago, the Lord laid this idea on my heart to encourage someone very special to my family. I felt pressed to share this with YOU. I pray it will land in the hands of someone who is searching for a way to show love and encouragement to someone desperately struggling this month.
A Special Day
Today is December 1st. It’s a very special day for our family, because it’s my mother-in-law’s birthday. This lady truly was an example of Christ. She always put the Lord first and placed Him before her family. It’s hard to believe sometimes this will be our second Christmas without her.
Like many others, my mother-in-law fought one of the hardest battles. She had stage four liver cancer and battled it for two years before the Lord took her home.
Send Encouragement
The symptoms and treatments were hard on her, mentally and physically, but she still smiled through it all. She would only let us talk positive around her and never gave the enemy any credit.
As the holidays approached, we watched as she fought every day for life. You just feel helpless. And then to think, there are so many others who are going through the hardest battle of their life. It just does something to you.
Send Kindness
So, what would a month of kindness, encouragement and generosity do for someone in a battle like this?
Think about the hardest battle of your life and what it would have meant to know that every day, someone was thinking and praying for you? What if every few days you received encouragement that just kept you going?
Send Hope
On Thanksgiving Day, my sister-in-law and I hung a pine Christmas garland over a beautiful picture in my mother-in-law’s kitchen. We strung sparkly lights, and we left a small jar of tiny wooden clothes pins for later. We knew they could not put a tree up that year, and we wanted to give her something beautiful to look at each day.
On December 1st (her birthday) of 2019, I put this plan in motion to fill my mother-in-law’s mailbox with joy, encouragement, and hope. We did not tell her anything.
Each family and grandchild, over eighteen, had a specific date.
Every other day through the month of December, a small package would arrive in her mailbox. Inside was a holiday card with a special message, a family photo and an ornament with an encouraging scripture on the back. (Ours is above.)
My father-in-law would use the tiny clothespins to hang the family photos and ornaments on the beautiful pine garland.
We were visiting one day when the mail carrier delivered a few packages to her mailbox.
Family from near and far sent unique pieces they created and words of encouragement.
There were cross stitch ornaments, handmade felted birds, wood burnt messages, paper art and so many more… her face lit up with excitement as she opened the small packages from her children and grandchildren. You could feel the love and encouragement. I will never forget that month or those last special moments.
Send Me
Folks, it doesn’t take a lot, but the strength you can give to someone in the battle of their life with a simple act of kindness and encouragement is priceless.
What could a simple act of kindness do this holiday season?
What could you do today with this simple idea to bring strength to someone just one more day?
What could you do for a complete stranger to make them smile today?
1 comment
This is beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing this to encourage others to keep encouraging one another!